9 Reasons Why Using QR Codes is Beneficial for Your Business [+ How to use QR Codes]

Created on 19 September, 2023 • 300 views • 28 minutes read

A comprehensive guide to QR Code: Uses, Benefits and Top 7 Free QR Code Generators + How to use them

QR codes (Quick Response codes) are like digital secret messages for your smartphone. They look like square puzzles made up of black and white squares. Each square has a unique pattern, and your smartphone can read these patterns.

QR codes are a reservoir of information. Their main job is to connect you to stuff on the internet, like websites, videos, or even special offers. Think of them as shortcuts that make your life easier. Instead of typing long web addresses, you just scan the QR code, and you're there!

QR codes can store website links, contact details, maps, and even messages. It's like having a mini-computer code that can tell your smartphone what to do.

Today, QR codes are everywhere. They're super important for businesses because they help customers and companies connect quickly. Especially after the pandemic, when touchless interactions became important, QR codes have become the stars of the show. Businesses use them to share menus, product details, and more.

Keep reading, and we'll show you how and why they're so helpful for businesses!

Use Cases of QR Codes

QR codes are like Swiss Army knives for businesses. Even though QR codes have been around for about three decades, many brands are unaware of their true potential. Here are some helpful QR code use cases in business, marketing, and customer engagement:

·      Bring offline users to your website and landing pages: You can create a URL QR code for your website and put it on your print ads, billboards, product packaging, etc. Consumers can scan it to visit your website. Similarly, you can create a marketing QR code for your landing page and generate more leads.

·      Share your contact information: You can print a vCard and QR code on your business card, redirecting people to your vCard Plus profile page. The vCard Plus page acts as your digital business card, containing your contact details and professional information.

·      Inform and educate users: You can create a QR code that contains product information pages, instructions, videos, audio, virtual reality, prefilled emails, and registration forms.

·      Create ID tags for pets: You can create a QR code that contains your pet's name, address, phone number, and other important information. This makes it easy for others to contact you if they find your lost pet.

·      QR code menus in restaurants: You can create a QR code menu that customers can scan with their smartphones to view the menu items.

·      Increase mobile app downloads: You can create a QR code that links to the app store or Google Play Store page for your app.

·      Promote your social media profiles: You can generate a QR code linked to your social media profiles such as Twitter and Facebook and more.

·      Share your business information: You can create a QR code that contains your business name, address, phone number, email address, website URL, and other important information.

·      Share map locations: You can create a QR code that links to Google Maps or Apple Maps with directions to your location.

·      Smart product packaging: You can create a QR code that links to product reviews or additional product information.

·      Share discount coupons: You can create a QR code that contains discount coupons or promotional codes.

·      Collect feedback and reviews: You can create a QR code that is linked to a survey or feedback form.

·      Share calendar events and meeting URLs: You can create a QR code that contains calendar event details like the event title, date, time, and location.

·      Enable digital payments: You can create a QR code that links to digital payment platforms such as PayPal or Venmo.

·      Facilitate WiFi authentication: You can create a QR code that contains the details of your WiFi network, such as the network name (SSID) and password.

·      Connect with users on SMS, email, and WhatsApp: You can create a QR code that contains an SMS message or email address prefilled with the recipient's address.

·      Optimize your offline marketing campaigns: You can track the number of scans of each QR code you generate to measure the effectiveness of your offline marketing campaigns.

QR codes are everywhere, making life more convenient and safer. They're like your digital helpers, giving you quick access to information and services. And the best part? They're super easy to use – just point and scan!


Different types of QR Codes for Business & Marketing Goal

Here are some kinds of QR codes that businesses and marketers use to get their messages across:

  • Website URL QR Codes

These QR codes are like digital links. When you scan one, it takes you to a website. Imagine a bakery putting a QR code on its flyer. Scan it, and it leads you straight to their online menu.

  • Contact Information QR Codes

Have you ever wanted to save someone's contact details quickly? These QR codes can store contact info like phone numbers and email addresses. Just scan it, and it's saved in your phone's contacts.

  • Text QR Codes

Sometimes, you want to share a message or some vital information. Text QR codes can hold plain text, like a welcome message or a short story.

  • Location QR Codes

Need to find a specific place? These QR codes contain maps with location details. Scan one, and it opens your map app to show you the way.

  • WiFi QR Codes

Ever seen a QR code at a coffee shop? Scanning it lets you join their WiFi network without typing in a long password.

  • Calendar Event QR Codes

These QR codes save event details like dates and times. Scan one, and it adds the event to your phone's calendar.

  • Social Media QR Codes

Want more followers on social media? These QR codes take people directly to your social profiles, making it easy to connect.

  • Email QR Codes

With these, you can create a QR code that, when scanned, opens an email with a prefilled recipient, subject, and message.

  • Payment QR Codes

Businesses use these for contactless payments. You scan the code, and it takes you to a payment page where you can buy things without cash.

  • App Store QR Codes

If you want people to download your app, use these codes. Scan one, and it takes you to the app store, where you can install it.

  • Dynamic QR Codes

Think of these as magic QR codes. You can change what they link to even after you've created them. Imagine a restaurant updating its menu every day with a new QR code.

  • PDF QR Codes

If you have a document you want to share, like a brochure, you can put it behind a PDF QR code. Scanning it opens the document.


QR Code Tracking in Real-Time: Explained

Imagine you send out QR codes into the world. They go on flyers, posters, and menus. But how do you know if people are actually using them? That's where QR code tracking comes in.

Tracking QR codes is like having an extraordinary spy on your QR code. When someone scans it, the spy sends you a message telling you that someone used your QR code. This helps you understand how popular your QR code is and if your marketing efforts are working.

Examples of QR Code Tracking Data:

  • Number of Scans: This is like counting how many times someone knocked on your door. You want to know if lots of people are coming in.
  • Location: Imagine you have a QR code on a restaurant menu. QR code tracking can tell you where in the world people are scanning it. Are they in your city, or are they on the other side of the planet?
  • Time and Date: It's like knowing when your favorite TV show is on. QR code tracking tells you when people are most interested in your QR code.
  • Device Type: Are people using iPhones, Androids, or other devices to scan your QR code? Knowing this helps you make your content better for your audience.

Let's say you own a pizza place. You have QR codes on your menus, and you want to know which pizzas are most popular. QR code tracking tells you which QR code (for which pizza) gets scanned the most.

Or imagine you're a museum curator. You have QR codes next to the artwork. You can use QR code tracking to see which paintings or sculptures are getting the most attention.

QR code tracking helps you make smart decisions. For example, if you find out that people are scanning your QR code late at night, you might offer a special late-night discount to attract more customers.

Or, if you see that people from another country are scanning your QR code, consider creating content in their language to engage them even more.

Many online tools and apps offer QR code tracking. One popular tool that helps you gather information about your QR code's performance is Google Analytics.

So, QR code tracking is like having a map to see where your QR codes are taking people. It helps you understand your customers better and make your business or marketing efforts even better!

Try SuperLinkTree: 100% Free QR Code Generator [Also Link-in-Bio Tool & URL Shortner]

Benefits of using QR Codes for your business

QR codes offer several advantages for businesses, enhancing customer experiences and improving operational efficiency. Let's delve deeper into these benefits:

1. Enhanced Customer Experience

  • Contactless Interactions: QR codes have become invaluable for creating touchless interactions, a crucial aspect of business during the COVID-19 pandemic. For instance, restaurants adopted QR code menus, allowing customers to view menus on their smartphones by scanning a code, reducing the need for physical menus that can transmit germs.
  • Quick Access to Information: QR codes simplify access to detailed information. Consider a retail store using QR codes on product tags. Customers can scan the code to access product details, reviews, pricing, and specifications instantly. This quick and easy access enhances the shopping experience.
  • Streamlined Processes with QR Codes: QR codes streamline various processes. In logistics and shipping, QR codes on packages enable real-time tracking. Every scan provides information on the package's location, ensuring efficient delivery and customer satisfaction.

2. Track Your Performance - Data Collection and Analytics

  • Gathering Customer Data: QR codes serve as data collection tools. Imagine a cafe placing QR codes on tables. When customers scan to access the menu, it not only simplifies their ordering experience but also gathers data on their preferences, helping the cafe understand which dishes are popular and when customers visit most frequently.
  • Importance of Analytics in Business Growth: Analytics derived from QR code scans can be invaluable for informed decision-making. For instance, if data reveals that most customers scan QR codes for a special dessert menu after 7 PM, the cafe might decide to extend dessert offerings during those hours, attracting more customers.
  • Ensuring Data Security and Privacy: While collecting customer data is important, businesses must ensure data security and privacy compliance. Adhere to privacy laws & regulations and implement robust security measures to protect customer information and .

3. Enhances Customer Experience and Drives Engagement

  • Bridging the Offline and Online Gap: QR codes connect the physical and digital worlds. For example, in a museum, scanning a QR code next to an artwork can provide visitors with access to videos where artists explain their inspirations and techniques, enriching their experience and engagement with the art.
  • Strategies for Engaging Customers: Businesses employ QR codes creatively to engage customers. For instance, a fashion brand might run a QR code-based contest. When people scan the code, they enter a contest to win a shopping spree, fostering excitement and engagement.

4. Product Packaging and Labeling

  • Conveying Product Information Through QR Codes

QR codes on product packaging provide an efficient way to deliver detailed product information, usage instructions, ingredients, and care tips to customers. This transparency aids in making informed purchase decisions.

  • Storytelling with QR Codes on Packaging

QR codes can be used to convey brand stories and values. For instance, a chocolate company might use a QR code to transport customers virtually to the cocoa farms where their chocolate is sourced, creating a meaningful and memorable connection.

  • Creating Memorable Brand Experiences

Incorporating QR codes creatively on packaging can create memorable brand experiences. When customers have positive experiences with your brand, it can lead to brand loyalty and word-of-mouth recommendations.

5. Edit / Modify Content Even After Printing or Deployment with Dynamic QR Codes

Dynamic QR codes offer the flexibility to update linked content even after printing or deployment. This is particularly valuable for businesses that frequently update information, such as restaurant menus or event details.

6. Store More Information in Less Space

QR codes can store a vast amount of information in a compact space. This is particularly helpful for sharing comprehensive product specifications, detailed contact information, or lengthy website addresses.

7. Customize to Convey Your Brand

Customizable QR codes allow businesses to align the appearance of the code with their brand's colors and style. This consistency in branding helps customers recognize & trust your QR codes and foster your overall brand image. 

8. Access Information Through Mobile Devices

QR codes are designed for mobile devices, and most people carry smartphones. This means customers can quickly access your information wherever they are, promoting convenience and accessibility.

9. Versatile Across Multiple Channels

QR codes can be incorporated into various marketing channels, including print materials, websites, emails, and social media. This versatility ensures consistent branding and messaging across platforms.

10. Security

QR codes can be secured to prevent unauthorized access, and this is vital for applications like mobile payments, where the security of financial information is paramount.

11. Cost-Effective and Easy to Use

Creating and implementing QR codes is cost-effective, and they are user-friendly for both businesses and customers. Customers can scan QR codes using their smartphone cameras without the need for additional apps or tools.

In summary, QR codes offer multifaceted benefits that enhance customer experiences, improve operational efficiency, and facilitate data-driven decision-making. Businesses of all types can leverage QR codes to help connect with customers more effectively and efficiently.

Try SuperLinkTree: 100% Free QR Code Generator [Also Link-in-Bio Tool & URL Shortner]

How to Use QR Codes in Your Business

Using QR codes in your business is like having a secret weapon to make things smoother and more convenient for your customers. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating QR Codes

Creating QR codes is easier than you might think. Here's how:

  • Select a QR Code Generator: There are many free online QR code generators. Just search "QR code generator" on the internet. Pick one that you find easy to use.
  • Select the Type of QR Code: Decide what you want your QR code to do. For example, do you want it to take people to your website or share your contact information?
  • Enter the Information: Fill in the details for your QR code. For instance, if you're creating a contact QR code, add your name, phone number, and email address.
  • Customize the QR Code (Optional): Some generators allow you to change the colors and design of your QR code. You can even add your brand's colors to make it look unique.
  • Generate and Download: Click the "Generate" or "Create" button and your QR code will appear on the screen. Download it to your computer.
  • Test the QR Code: Before you use it, make sure to test your QR code to ensure it works correctly. You can use your smartphone to do this. Just open the camera app and point it at the QR code. If it's set up correctly, it should take you to the intended destination.

Optimal Placement Strategies for QR Codes

Now that you have your QR code, you need to decide where to put it so people can quickly scan it:

  • Menus: Restaurants often place QR codes on their menus. When customers scan them, they can see the menu on their phones, making it a touchless dining experience.
  • Printed Materials: QR codes work well on printed materials like flyers, brochures, and posters. For example, a travel agency might include a QR code on a travel brochure that links to a video showcasing a vacation destination.
  • Product Packaging: Manufacturers can add QR codes to product labels or packaging. When customers scan the code, they can access detailed product information, usage instructions, or customer reviews.
  • Business Cards: Including a QR code on your business card can be a clever way to share your contact information. When someone scans it, their phone can automatically save your details.
  • Storefronts: Retail stores sometimes use QR codes on their windows to display promotions or provide additional information about their products or stores.

Avoid these mistakes with QR codes at any cost:

  • Mistake 1: Your QR code might take you to a "blank" page because the webpage for your promotion may no longer work or the web address has changed. When you link a QR code to a promotion, make sure to keep track of when and where you're using each code. You can also use dynamic QR codes that let you change the webpage they go to.
  • Mistake 2: Your QR code might lead to a webpage that doesn't work well on mobile phones. Remember, only mobile users use QR codes. So, make sure all the web pages linked to your QR codes are mobile-friendly.
  • Mistake 3: You still need to test your QR code, and it has problems. It's a good idea to test your QR code twice: first, while you're creating it, and second, when you get proof of your printed material.

QR Code Best Practices and Tips

Here are some best practices to make the most of your QR codes:

  • Size Matters: Ensure your QR code is large enough to be easily scanned but not so big that it takes up too much space.
  • Use Dynamic QR Codes for Flexibility: If you plan to change the linked content frequently, consider using dynamic QR codes. They allow you to update the information without changing the QR code image.
  • Provide a Call to Action (CTA): Let people know what they'll get when they scan the QR code. For example, you can add text like "Scan for Exclusive Discounts."
  • Test and Proofread: Always test your QR codes to ensure they work correctly. Also, double-check the linked content for accuracy and relevance.
  • Track Performance: Use QR code tracking tools to monitor how often your codes are scanned. This data can help you fine-tune your marketing strategies.
  • Educate Your Customers: Include simple instructions on how to scan QR codes nearby, especially if your target audience may need to become more familiar with them.

Using QR codes creatively and effectively can enhance your customer experience, streamline processes, and open up new opportunities for engagement with your business. It's like having a powerful tool that connects your physical world with the digital realm.

What are the best free QR code generators in 2023?

There are tons of QR Code generators, however, below are the best 7 which offer the maximum features for free:


source: forqrcode.com

1. ForQRCode (forqrcode.com): This tool offers a four-step process to create custom QR codes with logos that will never expire. You can enter your QR content like website, location, Zoom, PayPal, email, or Bitcoin and customize your design to matche your branding. It offers loads of customization and also don't even need to register first before being able to download your codes.


Source: Superlinktree.com

2. QR Code Generator by Superlinktree.com: This 100% free online tool is a fully featured QR code generator system with easy-to-use templates. It provides custom colors with gradients, a custom logo, multiple QR shapes to choose from, Vcard, WiFi, Calendar, Location, etc. templates.

It also provides easy-to-understand yet detailed and comprehensive analytics for all your links.


Source: qrcode-monkey.com

3. QRCode Monkey (qrcode-monkey.com): One of the most popular free online QR code generator, QRCode Monkey, has millions of already created QR codes. It offers high resolution QR codes and the design options are robust making it one of the best free QR code generators on the web that can be used for commercial purposes.


Source: beaconstac.com

4. Beaconstac (beaconstac.com): This tool offers a simple and intuitive interface for creating custom QR codes. You can choose from several pre exisiting templates or create own design from scratch. Also, you can add your logo or image to the QR code. Once you've created your QR code, you can download it as a SVG or PNG file.


Source: zebraqrcode.com

5. ZebraQR (zebraqrcode.com): This tool allows you to create custom QR codes with a variety of options, such as color, size, and shape. You can also add an image or or a text to your QR code. Once you've created your QR code, you can download it in SVG or PNG file format.


Source: qr-code-generator.com

6. QR Code Generator (qr-code-generator.com): This online tool allows you to create QR codes for various purposes, including URLs, text, contact information, and more. It offers customization options and the ability to download QR codes in different formats.


Source: qrcode.com

7. QR Code Generator by QRCode.com: This online tool offers a straightforward way to create QR codes for URLs, text, and contact information. It also provides a QR code reader app for mobile devices.

Try SuperLinkTree: 100% Free QR Code Generator [Also Link-in-Bio Tool & URL Shortner]

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about QR Codes:

What is a QR code?

A QR code ("Quick Response code") is a type of two-dimensional barcode that contains information that can be quickly and easily scanned and decoded using a smartphone or other QR code reader. QR codes can store various types of data, such as website URLs, text, contact information, WiFi network credentials, and more.

When you scan a QR code with your smartphone's camera or a QR code scanning app, it can trigger actions like opening a website, displaying contact details, adding an event to your calendar, or connecting to a WiFi network. QR codes are commonly used for marketing, product packaging, ticketing, and various other applications where quick access to information or actions is needed. Know more at Wikipedia.

How do you generate QR Codes?

Creating a QR code is very easy. Just access a QR code generating page, for example, https://superlinktree.com/. There are many other platforms to generate QR codes. However, you must choose ones that allow you to monitor and evaluate your performance quickly.

Once you choose the QR code generating page, follow these steps: (most pages offer the same procedure)

  • Pick the type of QR code: First, decide what you want your QR code to do and accordingly choose the QR code format. Do you want it to take people to a website, open an app, show your business card, and so on?
  • Make it your own: You can use the tools in the system to customize your QR code. You can even make it look like your logo or brand.
  • Download and test it: After creating the code, download it. You can print it or use it in your ads. Test it to make sure it works correctly and can be read.

How do I scan QR codes?

  • Get a smartphone with a camera.
  • Download a QR code scanning app if your camera doesn't already have one.
  • Open the app or your camera.
  • Point your phone at the QR code.
  • Wait for it to recognize the code.
  • Follow the instructions to open the link or perform an action.
  • You're done!

Are QR Codes free?


QR codes are typically free to create and use. You can generate QR codes for various purposes, such as website links, contact information, or text, using free online QR code generators. These generators allow you to customize your QR codes and download them at no cost.

However, keep in mind that the cost may be associated with the implementation of QR codes in specific applications or services, such as integrating them into a custom mobile app or using them for marketing campaigns. Generating and using basic QR codes for personal or general purposes is generally free.

Can I use the generated QR codes for commercial purposes?

Yes, you can use QR codes generated for commercial purposes. 

QR codes are versatile and commonly used in various commercial applications, including marketing campaigns, product packaging, advertising materials, and more. As long as you adhere to applicable laws and regulations, there are no specific restrictions on using QR codes for commercial use.

However, here are some important considerations:

  • Content Ownership: Ensure you have the rights or permissions to the content linked to the QR code, mainly if it includes copyrighted material or trademarks.
  • Data Privacy: If your QR code collects personal data, such as customer information, be sure to handle it in compliance with data privacy laws and regulations, like GDPR in Europe.
  • Transparency: Clearly inform users of what they can expect when they scan the QR code. If it leads to a website, make sure the website's content aligns with the QR code's purpose.
  • Testing: Before deploying QR codes in a commercial setting, thoroughly test them to ensure they work as intended.
  • Tracking and Analytics: Consider using tracking and analytics tools to monitor the performance and effectiveness of your QR code campaigns.

Can You count the QR Code scans?


QR code scanning can be tracked and counted using various methods and tools. Here are a few common ways to count QR code scans:

  • URL Shorteners: If your QR code links to a website, you can use URL shortening services like superlinktree.com / Bitly or TinyURL, which often provide statistics on how many times the shortened link (which is what the QR code points to) has been clicked. This can give you an idea of how many times the QR code has been scanned.
  • QR Code Generator Analytics: Some QR code generators offer built-in analytics that track scan counts. When you generate a QR code using such a service, it may provide data on how many times the code has been scanned.
  • Mobile App Integration: If you're using a QR code within a mobile app you've developed, you can implement tracking and analytics directly within the app to monitor scans and user interactions.
  • Google Analytics: If the QR code leads to a webpage, you can use Google Analytics or other web analytics tools to track traffic originating from the QR code. These tools can provide detailed insights into user behavior.
  • QR Code Management Platforms: There are QR code management platforms and services that offer analytics and tracking features. These platforms allow you to create and manage QR codes while providing scan statistics.

What is the Validity of QR codes? Do they expire?

QR codes themselves do not have an inherent expiration date or validity period. They are static images that can last indefinitely if properly maintained. However, the validity of the information or content encoded within a QR code depends on several factors:

  • Content Linked to the QR Code: The QR code's usefulness and relevance depend on what it links to. For example, if the QR code points to a website, the validity of the content is determined by the status and availability of that website. If the website goes down or the linked content becomes obsolete, the QR code effectively loses its functionality.
  • URL Changes: If the QR code links to a specific URL and that URL changes or becomes inactive, the QR code will no longer work as intended. This can happen if a promotion ends, a product is discontinued, or a business changes its online presence.
  • Dynamic QR Codes: To mitigate the issue of changing URLs, dynamic QR codes can be used. These QR codes allow you to update the linked content dynamically. You can change the destination URL associated with the QR code without changing the code itself. This flexibility ensures the QR code remains valid as long as the dynamic service is active.
  • Print Material Deterioration: Physical QR codes printed on materials, such as packaging or posters, may deteriorate over time due to wear and tear, exposure to the elements, or damage. This can affect the QR code's scannability.
  • User Perception: Over time, users may become less inclined to scan older QR codes, especially if they have had bad experiences with codes that lead to outdated or irrelevant content.

To ensure the continued functionality of QR codes, especially for commercial or marketing purposes, it's essential to:

  • Regularly monitor and update the content linked to QR codes.
  • Use dynamic QR codes, when possible, to maintain flexibility.
  • Keep an inventory of where QR codes are used and for what purposes so you can update or retire them as needed.
  • Test QR codes periodically to ensure they still function correctly.
  • Provide users with valuable and relevant content to encourage scanning.

While QR codes themselves don't expire, their effectiveness relies on the reliability and relevance of the linked information.

What are static and dynamic QR codes?

Static and dynamic QR codes differ in how they handle the information or content they represent:

Static QR Codes:

  • Fixed Content: Static QR codes contain fixed information that cannot be changed once the QR code is generated. This means the data encoded in the QR code, such as a website URL, text, contact information, or other content, remains the same throughout its lifetime.
  • Limited Flexibility: Static QR codes are suitable for situations where the linked content won't change, such as printing a QR code on a business card or product label. However, they can become outdated if the related content needs to be updated, and you would need to create a new QR code with the updated information.
  • Common Uses: Static QR codes are often used for essential information sharing, like website links, contact details, and simple text messages.

Dynamic QR Codes:

  • Changeable Content: Dynamic QR codes allow you to change the linked content or destination URL without changing the QR code itself. This flexibility means you can update the information associated with the QR code as needed, even after it has been distributed or printed.
  • Greater Versatility: Dynamic QR codes are more versatile and adaptable, making them suitable for scenarios where the linked content may change, such as marketing campaigns, event promotions, or inventory tracking.
  • Tracking and Analytics: Many dynamic QR code services provide tracking and analytics features, allowing you to monitor scan counts, locations, and other data, which can be valuable for assessing the performance of your QR code campaigns.
  • Common Uses: Dynamic QR codes are often used for time-sensitive promotions, product packaging, digital menus, and any situation where the linked content might need updates or where tracking user interactions is important.

What kind of information can be stored in a QR Code?

Here are some common types of information that can be stored in a QR Code:

  • Text: QR Codes can store alphanumeric text, including letters, numbers, and some special characters. This text can be a URL, plain text message, contact information (vCard), email address, phone number, or any other textual data.
  • URLs: QR Codes are often used to encode website URLs. When you scan a QR Code containing a URL, it can open a web page on your device's browser, making it easy to access websites.
  • Contact Information: QR Codes can store contact details in a vCard format, including a person's name, phone number, email address, and more. Scanning such a QR Code can add the contact information directly to your phone's contacts.
  • WiFi Network Information: QR Codes can store WiFi network credentials (SSID and password) so that you can easily connect to a specific WiFi network by scanning the code.
  • Geographic Coordinates: QR Codes can encode geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude), allowing users to scan the code to view a location on a map or initiate navigation to a specific place.
  • Calendar Events: QR Codes can contain calendar event data, including event title, date, time, location, and any relevant notes. Scanning the code can add the event to your device's calendar app.
  • Text Messages: QR Codes can encode SMS text messages. When scanned, they can open the messaging app on your device with the message prefilled.
  • Email Addresses: QR Codes can store email addresses, allowing users to scan the code to compose an email to the specified address with a prefilled subject and message.
  • App Store Links: QR Codes can link to app downloads on platforms like the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android).
  • Business Cards: QR Codes can be used to store business card information, making it easy to share contact details with others.
  • Custom Data: QR Codes can also be used to store custom data or information specific to certain applications or purposes.

The amount of data that can be stored in a QR Code depends on factors like the QR Code's size and the encoding mode used (numeric, alphanumeric, or binary). Larger QR Codes can store more information, but they may also require more space to be displayed and scanned effectively. The QR Code's error correction level also plays a role in its data capacity and robustness to errors during scanning.


Try SuperLinkTree: 100% Free QR Code Generator [Also Link-in-Bio Tool & URL Shortner]